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Rabu, 30 November 2011

bangunan TERUNIK di DUNIA

1. Aqua – USA
Dibangun di Chicago dan diperkirakan akan selesai pada tahun 2009.
2. Chicago Spire – USA
Akan menjadi salah satu bangunan TERTINGGI di dunia dan diperkirakan akan selesai pada tahun 2010.
3. CCTV Headquarters – China
Salah satu bangunan yg dipersiapkan menjelang Olimpiade Beijing 2008
4. Penang Global City Center – Malaysia
Lokasinya akan di bangun di Penang Island dan diperkirakan pembangunannya butuh waktu paling sedikit 15 tahun.
5. Gazprom Headquarters – Russia
Salah satu bangunan raksasa dengan tinggi kurang lebih 300 meter (glass flame) dan akan memantulkan warna kurang lebih 10 kali, tergantung dari posisi matahari pada saat itu. Beberapa penduduk lokal yg kurang senang dengan adanya bangunan tersebut menjulukinya “corn on the cob”. D
6. Burj Dubai – Dubai
Diperkirakan tinggi bangunannya sekitar 818 meter dan akan menjadi salah satu bangunan tertinggi di dunia (antenna paling atas bangunan tidak dihitung).
7. Rusia Tower – Rusia
Bangunan ini juga akan menjadi salah satu bangunan tertinggi di dunia dan diperkirakan selesai pada tahun 2012 nanti.
8. Reggata Hotel – Jakarta
Indonesia pun bakal mempunyai bangunan megah nan unik di Jakarta dengan desain Arsitektur yang agak kontroversial.
9. Residence Antilia – India
Pembangunannya sudah dimulai di India, mirip seperti rak cd dari tumpukan batu yg unik. :)

10.Quadracci Pavilion
Quadracci Pavilion, adalah sebuah Musium untuk Seni Modern yang terletak di Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Amerika serikat. Bentuknya sangat unik, seperti sebuah kapal Pesiar yang eksotis dengan dua sayap merpati putih yang seolah mengajak gedung ini untuk terbang. Uniknya, sayap-sayap tersebut terbuka saat pagi hari, dan menutup pada sore harinya.
 Bangunan Terunik di Dunia - Quadracci Pavilion

11.Absolute World Towers
Terletak di Mississauga, Kanada, gedung kembar Kanada ini memiliki arsitektur moder yang super unik. Berbentuk memelintir seperti lilitan. dipakai sebagai kondominium atau kompleks perumahan. Absolute World Towers ini di bangun oleh Developer Fernbrook dan Kelompok Cityzen.
Bangunan Terunik di Dunia - Absolute World Towers

12.Walt Disney Concert Hall
Gedung yang sempat menjadi kontroversi ini, kemudian malah menjadi salah satu kebanggaan bagi kota Los Angeles, California. Memiliki 2.265 tempat duduk, dan merupakan markas bagi Los Angeles Philharmonic orchestra dan the Los Angeles Master Chorale. Bangunan ini resmi di buka pada 24 October 2003.
Bangunan Terunik di Dunia - Walt Disney Concert Hall

13.Casa Batllo
Arsitektur karya Antoni Gaudí dan Josep Maria Jujol yang sangat menakjubkan bangunan yang sangat unik ini dibangun 100 selesai di bangun sekitar 100 tahun yang lalu. Nama Spanyol untuk bangunan ini adalah Casa dels ossos atau berarti rumah tulang. Gedung ini awalnya dibangun sebagai kondominium bagi kalangan menengah ke atas, dan terletak di wilayah elite di Barcelona.
Bangunan Terunik di Dunia - Casa Batllo

Awalnya bangunan ini adalah sebuah benteng di Dresden, Jerman. NamaZwinger diambil dari meriam yang ditempatkan di antara dinding luar dan dinding utama benteng yang hancur pada perang dunia ke 2. Aristekur yang sangat unik, benteng yang memiliki keindahan sebuah istana. 
Bangunan Terunik di Dunia - Zwinger

Itulah 14 bangunan modern terunik di Dunia. Sebenarnya ada puluhan bangunan modern yang juga unik dan eksentrik, namun, 14 bangunan diatas sudah mewakili sebuah seni arsitektur modern yang futuristik, indah, dan tentu saja UNIK.:D





1. The Taser Music Player Holster
Sarung untuk Taser C2 yang bisa berfungsi sebagai pemutar musik dengan kapasitas 1GB.
Taser C2 adalah alat perlindungan diri yang bisa digunakan untuk melumpuhkan penyerang untuk sementara waktu.
Dengan sarung ini anda bisa santai berjalan di daerah-daerah rawan dengan headphone di telinga.

2. The USB Watch
MR. Gadget 1 GB USB 2.0 Executive Watch bukan satu-satunya arloji USB di pasaran, tapi merupakan yang paling atraktif.

3.The Gift Card and Gadget Combo
Kartu hadiah (gift card) ini berfungsi juga sebagai kamera digital 1,2 megapiksel dengan memori 8MB.

4. The Mouse and VoIP Phone
Gabungan antara mouse dan telepon VoIP. Sedang lihat facebook temen lalu pingin telpon melalui Skype, tinggal angkat mousenya.
Tersedia dengan harga $80.

5. The FM Radio Toaster
Kenwood memasarkan Kendwood FM Radio Toaster. Sambil dengerin radio sambil bikin roti bakar.

6. iBreath with FM Transmitter
iBreath adalah alat untuk memeriksa kandungan alkohol pada nafas.
Alat ini sekaligus berfungsi sebagai transmitter untuk memutar iPod melalui radio di mobil. Tersedia dengan harga $89

7. The USB Hub with Thermometer
Brando’s USB Rota Rota Hub lumayan lengkap sebagai USB hub. Memiliki tiga USB port dan port untuk SD, SDHC, Memory Stick Duo, MicroSD, and M2.Satu fasilitas tambahan yang aneh adalah dua termometer digital. Satu menunjukkan suhu dalam Fahrenheit sedangkan yang lain dalam Celcius. Tersedia dengan harga $15.

8. The Rear-view LCD Screen
Kaca spion yang bisa menampilkan video. Bukan hanya satu video tapi bisa menampilkan tiga video langsung dari sumber yang berbeda.
Seharusnya memang digunakan untuk menampilkan output dari kamera pada mobil untuk membantu parkir.

9. MP3 Massager
iGoGo MP3 player dari Osim terdiri dari MP3 player, ditambah dua alat pijat kecil. Alat pemijat bekerja sesuai beat musik yang dimainkan. Harga $495.

10. The Toilet Paper Dispensing iPod Dock
Alat ini bikin kegiatan di kamar kecil semakin asyik. Sambil menunaikan panggilan alam sambil menyalakan iPod.
Harga $60


christopher wilde

Christopher Wilde  is a famous pop star and teen idol, whose music is very successful all around the world. Sara Olson  of Kalamazoo, Michigan is an obsessive fan of Christopher Wilde who seeks to use her family's trip to Hollywood, California to visit her widowed grandmother as an opportunity to meet him (Starstruck) for spring break. Christopher, meanwhile, is on the brink of landing a movie deal and has agreed to remain out of the tabloids in order to prove that he is serious about landing the role.
Once in California, Sara convinces her younger sister Jessica, to accompany her to a nightclub where he is rumored to be delivering a surprise performance for his pseudo-girlfriend Alexis Bender . Sara leaves Jessica outside the club to watch the car while she goes inside in a futile attempt to meet Christopher (Shades).
Fed up with waiting, Jessica leaves the car in search for Sara and meets Christopher when he hits her in the head while opening a door. Eager to avoid being caught by the paparazzi, Christopher takes Jessica to a hospital to be examined, then brings her to his house so that he can make an appearance for the film director (Hero). He then brings Jessica home, and Jessica allows him to stay in her grandmother's garage for the night when he learns the paparazzi have followed him.
The next day Sara brings Jessica to Malibu Beach in the hopes of running into Christopher there. Sara goes off to sit down on the beach, but Jessica recognizes Christopher's disguise and sits down with him. The two are forced to make a quick exit from the beach when the paparazzi arrive; once they get away, Christopher shows Jessica around Los Angeles (Something About The Sunshine).
While attempting to return to Malibu, they are again spotted by the paparazzi, but manage to elude them by driving off the main road, losing Jessica's grandmother's car in a mud pool quicksand in the process. While walking back to Malibu, they get into a heated argument, with Jessica calling Christopher's life "fake". Eventually, Christopher confides that he enjoyed hanging out with Jessica because she was not actually asking for anything from him, and they bond again.
When they return to the beach, however, Christopher tells Jessica that no one can know what happened between them that day, telling her that the paparazzi would ruin her life (Hero (Reprise)). Heartbroken and angry, Jessica returns home to Kalamazoo with her family, but not before the paparazzi establish a connection between her and Christopher.
Back in Kalamazoo, Jessica watches Christopher tell a talk show host that he had never met her. Angry with the way the paparazzi forced Christopher to lie and hide himself from the real world, she confronts the paparazzi camped outside her house, and tells them that she "never met [the Christopher that they were all so obsessed with]."
Alexis finds out that Christopher has been with someone who is not famous, and she breaks up with him and becomes friends because she's on a date with another person. Christopher realizes that he is free to pursue Jessica. His best friend Stubby  convinces him that he has to start making his own choices for once (Got To Believe). Christopher then proceeds to fire his parents as his managers and turn down the movie role that made him lie and lose himself in the tabloids.
After Sara's equally Christopher-obsessed friend A.J. (Abbie Cobb) viciously insults Jessica for what she said on television, Sara kicks her out of the house and offers to take Jessica to the school dance with her. Jessica accepts, and Sara helps her get ready for the dance. At the dance, Christopher makes an appearance and apologizes to Jessica through a song (What You Mean To Me).
When the paparazzi appear at the dance, he tells them that he was the one that lied and says he is "crazy" about Jessica. She smiles and accepts his apology, as well him becoming her boyfriend (Party Up).

"my favourite actor "

"simple plan is a good band"



Rabu, 16 November 2011

Bukittinggi is my life

Bukittinggi is the name of a city located in the northern province of West Sumatra. Two words are assembled into one, has a meaning identical to its location at the height of the hills. Located in the middle of the island of Sumatra with the physical and berlembah hilly, and the air cool and comfortable.

Bukittinggi city will amaze your heart, with a height of 904-941 meters above sea level makes the high hill air so it feels very cool. Temperature reaches about 16-23 degrees centigrade. contours of the land in this town is hilly, there are around there are 27 hills contained within the town of Bukittinggi, If traveling by car it will not feel bored.
Bukittinggi in West Sumatra is a cultural center, located on the plateau north of Padang on the hill Agam. Unlike the Padang which is the center of the wheels of government and modern trade the quiet town of Bukittinggi is decorated by the scenery was second to none. A very famous valley is Sianok canyon with a depth of 100 M and the slope between 800 - 900 is one of the attractions the city of Bukittinggi serve as a tourist city. Majesty of Mount Merapi, Mount Singgalan and, of Mount Sago too moleknya adorn this city Clock Tower.


Bukittinggi city has another name which means the Tri Arga three great mountains that give good luck. Bukittinggi has a cool refreshing air because of the height of the area over 900 m above sea level. While in New York City is often rainy, it does not prevent the tourists to come to the city that many people refer to as the friendliest town on the island of Sumatra.
Many tourists who come to visit the canyon Sianok amazing, big stone gap covered with trees that grow on it and the surrounding mountains make a dramatic canyon scenery very attractive.
This place is a good place if you want a more challenging adventure. Compare with other places in Sumatra, Bukittinggi only received few visitors who make the city as the headquarters of climbing near or on a tour to the highlands Minagkabau culture. Bukittinggi communities inhabited thousands of multi-ethnic society. Mareka a simple life and live side by side in harmony.

Talk about food and cooking, seldom people who are not familiar with rendang and rice kapaunya. Simpang Raya is located at Front Street Clock Tower is the most famous restaurants of high quality pasture that serves the fields and other Indonesian food such as soup, rice and mie.and in bukittinggi there are also other dishes such as karupuak sanjai, jerky batokok, karupuak jangek , and others.





Diseñado por: Compartidísimo
Scrapping elementos: Deliciouscraps©